Gray Matters I: LOST STARS and the Seductive Evil of the Galactic Empire

51gF3dYpeTL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_[1]As it happens, we were long planning a series of pieces called “Gray Matters” on how the various sides in Star Wars are and ought to be portrayed in the new canon. Our first piece was either going to be about the Empire or the Rebellion, where we would discuss the comparative pitfalls of black and white morality vs moral grays and try to come up with a solution that was morally nuanced but still fit the morality tale that is the Star Wars saga. And lo – here came a novel called Lost Stars by Claudia Gray, featuring of all things a narrative about just how decent people serve as Imperial Loyalists. The coincidence (and the now doubly punny title) was impossible to ignore, so here we are!

We’ll try to avoid spoiling the book, especially as we hope this article convinces some folks to read Lost Stars! Don’t let the YA label dissuade you: YA novels are emphatically not less mature than adult novels (at least not simply because they’re YA!). This is the first Star Wars YA book, as the books EU fans typically call “YA” are middle grade books, which also should not be judged on their age rating because the six canon middle grade books out as of last week are amazing — particularly Servants of the Empire — and this week’s brilliant ANH adaptation brings that to seven!)

Lost Stars is the closest we’ve ever really gotten to an Imperial POV novel – the title characters basically start up as Imperial subjects and join the Imperial service. One of them – Thane Kyrell – drifts away from the Empire while the other – Ciena Ree – stays loyal. Gray crafted a unique and interesting societal background for them on their Rim world of Jelucan which explains their different world views and consequently divergent takes on Imperial policy. These differences are not unique to Thane and Ciena – a good amount of the cast is in the service of the Emperor, and they are all very different people with different motivations and ethical codes. This is what makes the novel a perfect case study: more than just portraying Imperial Loyalists with authenticity or even sympathy, Gray shows the wide variety of people who serve the Empire and how their service to the Empire changes them in turn.

The thing about the Galactic Empire is that it is not a monolith. It is complex and nuanced. It is, obviously, ruled by evil Sith Lords. It is supported by fascists in COMPNOR and ISB. It is driven by raw material exploitation and upheld by stormtroopers and a military that can range from the ruthless but honorable to the downright brutal. So at the first instance, let’s not pretend the Empire is daisies and roses (those of you familiar with our “Imperial Colbert” routine may be surprised by this turn in the discussion, but we don’t playact in our ETE articles). Beyond that though – the Empire is a galactic government, and one that is accepted by the majority of the galactic populace. This is either through an ignorance of its evils, an unwillingness to do anything about it, or acceptance of it. Imperials of the Core Worlds live cushy, sheltered lives – the cries of the Outer Rim go unheard. As seen in Edge of the Galaxy, Core World Imperials may well assume that the brutalities going on in the Rim are just part of the barbarity of the Rim – conducted by lawless Rimward officers to boot!

As we learn in Lost Stars, however, the distinction is not between active agent of Imperial oppression and passive beneficiary. The lines blur and cross. This makes the Empire interesting. George Lucas always said that the Empire was a seductive form of evil: it would not be so threatening if it were the repository of all the bad things, because it’s evil that persuades people to serve it that is the most threatening.

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Aftermath and the Political State of the Galaxy After Endor (spoilers!)

aftermathcvrThis is the first piece in a week of articles dedicated to Aftermath, the first post-Endor novel of the new EU. Because of the event nature of this flagship in the Journey to The Force Awakens series, Eleven-ThirtyEight will present multiple articles on different aspects of the novel instead of publishing our traditional analytical review of the book. As the plan stands right now, you can look forward to a piece on the writing style on Wednesday and one on continuity on Friday. We’re looking forward to reading our colleagues’ takes on these aspects of the novel!

Today, we’ll be discussing the political state of the galaxy after Endor. By necessity, it will include spoilers from Aftermath (but not from the other Journey to TFA novels, which contain critical info that we did not have when writing this piece). Stop reading now if you do not wish to be spoiled for this excellent novel – it is worth experiencing for itself. By necessity, we will not be discussing a lot of worthy topics. The novel’s incredible character diversity – which Wendig created out of a sense of realism – is not the subject of this piece. The pilot and mother Norra Wexley, probably the most interesting and welcome character to come out of this book, is not the subject of this article. The narrative structure and use of interlude chapters is not the subject of this article. These are all topics that absolutely deserve discussion, we won’t monopolize all the potential discussion items that Aftermath has to offer because our colleagues have their own takes on the book. We will, however, discuss Admiral Rae Sloane because she is magnificent and very relevant to the topic.

As everyone knows, Return of the Jedi ended with the death of the Galactic Emperor and celebrations throughout the galaxy. Less clear was the outcome of that battle – the Legends Expanded Universe had many of these celebrations (especially on Coruscant) quickly suppressed and the war with the Empire went on for years, though it was resolved far too quickly for some tastes (including our own). With the canon reset, it is unclear if the Empire would fall so quickly and previews for Shattered Empire and the Uprising game appeared to suggest the Empire would last for quite a while. Early previews for Battlefront spilled the existence of the New Republic, which was apparently adopted pretty soon. Despite all these bits of info gleaned from various previous though, it wasn’t until Aftermath that we finally got a true picture of the post-Endor state of the galaxy. Neither past EU nor previews really gave it away and it was an open question how things would turn out.

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What Star Wars Can Learn From A Whole New World by Liz Braswell

24397040[1]If asked about an “alternate universe Star Wars story,” most people might immediately bring the Star Wars Tales comics to mind. Others might bring to mind the old Infinities comics exploring different takes on the Original Trilogy. A few might think of alternate universe scenarios in video games, such as the dark side endings to various games or The Force Unleashed franchise allowing its pet character Starkiller to kill all of our beloved heroes. A really cheeky person might ask if we meant the Legends Expanded Universe. Alternate universe stories might be common in other franchises – especially comic books – but Star Wars rarely draws from that well, except in fan-created works. Even most Star Wars video games would fall into whatever was the canon continuity at the time. Though the obsession of Star Wars with fitting everything into continuity could be the subject of its own article, it’s still strikingly odd that Star Wars almost never consciously creates alternate universe stories. Taking aside the alternate endings for video games, only Dark Horse committed to alternate universe content in any consistent way. The novels conspicuously never touched it, except for early works of dubious continuity value. (Before anybody asks, no, this is not a “Bring Back Legends” article)

Disney Book Group is doing something rather interesting – they’re publishing a series called A Twisted Tale, which takes their extremely well-known animated features and shooting their stories off in an alternate direction by changing a key fact of the story. It’s a little like Back to the Future II, and if we have to explain that reference to anybody we’re going to be very distressed. Now, this idea is pretty cool not just conceptually, but because Disney is pretty strict about the use of its animated brands on a level fairly comparable to Lucasfilm. So if they’re willing, why not Star Wars?

The first book in the series is called A Whole New World, and it’s an Aladdin alternate universe story by Liz Braswell. It’s a pretty fun story, and so we’ll illustrate what we mean about Star Wars by reviewing this book. It’s a darker and more realistic take on Aladdin, being geared towards young adults who might have grown up on Aladdin (though folks like us who saw it in theatre are decidedly past the young adult stage, at least “young adult” as it’s understood in publishing). The story follows along the movie at first, developing it the way a film novelization might, until the point at which Jafar sends Aladdin to recover the lamp: Jafar betrays Aladdin but manages to keep the lamp, and is able to institute his dark plans far earlier. He becomes a sultan and sorcerer, and Princess Jasmine has to escape and become a revolutionary leader… which is a version of Aladdin we never knew we needed until now. And that’s the beauty of an alternate universe story: it can be more than just a plot twist if it explores different sides of characters or a different type of story.

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Princess Leia Deserves Her Own Star Wars Film


Of the “Big Three” characters of Star Wars, Princess Leia has the smallest profile and least exposure in tie-in products. This strikes us as very odd, because Princess Leia was the most revolutionary of the three main characters of A New Hope: the gritty mercenary with the heart of gold and the heroic youth were pretty common archetypes. Leia was something different though – she was a princess, but she didn’t play a passive role even during her own rescue! We hope that we really don’t have to sell anyone on why Princess Leia is awesome, because that should be blindingly self-evident. Leia’s a princess turned senator turned resistance fighter – how does that not make for an extremely compelling backstory?

But for all that, she’s shockingly underused compared to the other two parts of the Big Three. Luke Skywalker is in practically every OT-related Star Wars work and is prominent in the Legends EU, while Han Solo gets his own Anthology (sorry, “A Story Wars Story” – gag!) film and helmed two book trilogies in the Expanded Universe. Leia certainly has a strong role in many EU books, but rarely gets to lead her own stories. There’s no reason why that has to be the case. Indeed, there have been some great Leia stories recently. The late Legends Razor’s Edge by Martha Wells was an excellent Leia-led book, though we were a little disappointed that Leia couldn’t even get her own tale without Han and Luke as supporting cast. Mark Waid’s recent Leia miniseries was excellent (and should be revisited or made an ongoing!). We’ve also raved about how well Alexandra Bracken is writing Princess Leia in her upcoming The Princess, the Smuggler, and the Farm Boy and how we’d love for her to author more books about Leia. So there are plenty of avenues to tell more stories about Leia, and we’d be over the moon to see more Leia-led comics, novels, or video games. But without hesitation, we’d say that Leia could not only support a Star Wars anthology film but that she deserves one. Read More

Tsar Wars: The Hapans Strike Back

Hapans-GOI[1]Here’s the third entry in our series on monarchy in Star Wars! On Monday, Bria and I discussed why Star Wars had so many monarchies. On Tuesday, we took a trip to idyllic Naboo and tried to make sense of their political system. Today, we’re visiting the EU and looking at the very strange place (even by Star Wars standards!) known as the Hapan Consortium. We may have had a little too much fun with this one, but we have no regrets.


Bria: So you’re going to start this by softly singing ‘Hapes Hapes Hapes’, right?

Jay: I’m not sure what that is, and if I’m singing anything it’s gonna be a Disney song… which is entirely appropriate I think. Although we’re not quite at a matriarchal Disney princess movie yet.

Bria: Someone needs to go back and reread Courtship of Princess Leia.  That’s what all the pretty people are singing when the Hapan delegation arrives to offer Isolder as tribute uhh I mean husband to Princess Leia.

Jay: And here I thought Mon Mothma was selling Leia for the good of the Republic! But honestly, I do need to re-read it. For all the (occasionally justified!) crap CoPL gets, the politics are intriguing.

Bria: Yeah, without CoPL, we never get Hapes or Dathomir or Tenel Ka of House Djo, First of Her Name and Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium.

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